CrabDiving – Wed 092519 – Trump Ukraine Call Memo Is Worse Than Expected & Giuliani Careens Around

trump blames military

The Trump Ukraine call memo is worse than expected. Former presidential hopeful Mittens Romney said the memo was “deeply troubling.” We learned three other top officials could be implicated in the Ukraine scandal and Nancy Pelosi could end up President.…


CrabDiving – Tue 092419 – Pelosi Finally Ordered An Impeachment Inquiry & Greta Thunberg Dunked on Petty Trump

Pelosi finally ordered an impeachment inquiry following the latest revelations about Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine. Trump immediately used Pelosi’s announcement as an avenue for campaign fundraising. Representative Adam Schiff said the whistleblower wants to chat with…


CrabDiving – Mon 092319 – Giuliani Pushes The Fake Biden Ukraine Scandal & Bill Weld Says Trump Is Treasonous

unhinged sexist rudy giuliani

As Giuliani pushes the fake Biden Ukraine scandal, some Democrats are gearing up for impeachment. Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky demonstrated Man-baby’s belief that he is indeed invincible. The Cheeto administration lamely offered up a transcript of the…


CrabDiving – Thu 091919 – Trump Whistleblower Complaint Scandal & Human LARPer Stephen Miller Is Dating

Trump Whistleblower Complaint Scandal

The Trump whistleblower complaint scandal was the center of the spirited convo on Thursday’s liberal podcast. House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Democrat Adam Schiff threatened to sue to get to the bottom of the covered-up complaint. Oxy swallower Rush Limbaugh poo-poo’d…
