CrabDiving – Wed 032520 – Senate Giant Corporate Giveaway & Roy Moore Says Keep Churches Open

Senate Giant Corporate Giveaway

The Senate giant corporate giveaway was another disgusting example of our crap political and economic system. The Governor of Minnesota is pessimistic after his state failed to flatten the curve due to not testing early enough. PEEOTUS Trump insulted Mitt…


CrabDiving – Tue 032420 – Trump and Republicans Want Your Granny To Die For The Stock Market

Trump and Republicans want your Granny to die for the stock market. Shitler wants to end social distancing despite advice from the experts. The U.S. has been named the upcoming epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. Italy’s death rate from the…


CrabDiving – Mon 032320 – Trump Will Kill People To Save His Re-Election Chances & Barr’s Totalitarian Spank Bank

Trump Will Kill People To Save His Re-Election Chances

Trump will kill people to save his re-election chances. The GOP Senate included insane corporate bailouts in the latest stimulus package relating to the pandemic. Joe Manchin engaged in a shouting match with Moscow Mitch about the Wall Street-friendly relief…


CrabDiving – Thu 031920 – GOP Senator Burr Sold Stocks Before Warning About Coronavirus & #ReleaseTheButtholeCut

GOP Senator Burr sold stocks before warning about coronavirus. Lock him up, right? Trump told states to find their own medical supplies. Shitler praised a malaria drug with possible, unproven effectiveness in fighting the virus. We shared some actual good…
