CrabDiving – Wed 031120 – Biden Just About Sewed Up The Nomination & Trump’s Incompetence Will Kill People

Biden Just About Sewed Up The Nomination

Biden just about sewed up the nomination, winning Michigan and other states in the latest Democratic primary. Andrew Yang endorsed Obama’s former VP, agreeing that “the math” shows Biden will be the nominee. Comedian Pete Dominick had some truthy and…


CrabDiving – Fri 030620 – A Federal Judge Is Questioning William Barr’s Credibility & Why Aren’t We Testing For Coronavirus?

lying Bill Barr must resign

A federal judge is questioning William Barr’s credibility as he proceeds with Freedom of Information lawsuits against the Justice Department regarding the Mueller probe. Elizabeth Warren’s interview with Rachel Maddow made us all sad the smartest person in the race…


CrabDiving – Thu 030620 – Elizabeth Warren Ended Her Campaign & Jim Bakker’s Silver Snake Oil Cease and Desist

Elizabeth Warren Ended Her Campaign

Elizabeth Warren ended her campaign and Murica should be oh-so-freaking sad. Former VP Joe Biden has opened a huge lead in the sunshine and meth state, a.k.a., Florida. Mitt Romney said the Senate probe into Biden and son was political.…
