CrabDiving – Tue 022520 – Holy Crap, Trump Is In Charge During Coronavirus & Corruption In The Border Patrol

Holy Crap Trump Is In Charge During Coronavirus

Holy crap, Trump is in charge during coronavirus, and he is already lying about its effect and how prepared we are for the possible pandemic. Oxy-lord Rush Limbaugh suggests the coronavirus was created in a Chinese lab, and is an…


CrabDiving – Mon 022420 – Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Rape & Sanders Wins Nevada

Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Rape

Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and he was carted off to jail, walker and all. Bernie has been killing it according to post-Nevada polling. MSNBC poon-dit Chris Matthews apologized for comparing Bernie’s Nevada win to the Nazi invasion…


CrabDiving – Fri 022120 – Trump Dismisses Russian Meddling As Another Democratic Hoax & Iowa GOP Want To Be Gilead

trump putin connection

Of course, traitor Trump dismisses Russian meddling as another Democratic hoax. Billionaires have their expensive drawers in a bunch over the possibility Bernie Sanders will get the nomination. Putin is also trying to sway the Democratic race in favor of…


CrabDiving – Thu 022020 – Elizabeth Warren Eviscerated Mike Bloomberg & Stone Gets 40 Months

Elizabeth Warren Eviscerated Mike Bloomberg

Elizabeth Warren eviscerated Mike Bloomberg in the latest Democratic presidential debate. Bloomberg bombed big-time on a national level, while Warren has raised a crap ton of cash in the one day since the Vegas debate. Trump said Roger Stone will…


CrabDiving – Wed 021920 – Assange Says He Was Offered A Pardon To Vindicate Russia & Trump’s Fake Internal Polls

Assange Says He Was Offered A Pardon To Vindicate Russia

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he was offered a pardon to vindicate Russia. Trump moaned about fake news polls and claimed his “real” polls show him defeating every Democratic challenger. Bernie and Mike Bloomberg are duking it out over their…
