CrabDiving – Tue 012120 – Trump’s Senate Trial Begins & The Constitution Is “A Different Language”

Trump's Senate Trial Begins

Trump’s Senate trial begins and the Crabs are there to cover every GOP Team Putin vote to suppress evidence. Midnight Mitch set unfortunate ground rules for impeachment which meant twelve-hour days of opening statements and didn’t including subpoenaing docs. Elizabeth…


CrabDiving – Fri 011720 – Trump’s Dream Team of Sleazebags & Texas Catholic Bishops Rebuke The Governor

Trump's Dream Team of Sleazebags

Trump’s dream team of sleazebags has been assembled to clownfully defend him in his Senate impeachment trial, and we’re all sadface that Rudy’s not on the squad. In a totally diskish move, Trump’s administration announced — on Michelle Obama’s birthday…


CrabDiving – Wed 011520 – The House Sent Articles of Impeachment & Virginia Becomes 38th State To Ratify The ERA

House Sent Articles of Impeachment

As the House sent articles of impeachment to the Senate, the Crabs cover the historic day. New documents from Rudy Giuliani’s buddy Lev Parnas suggest that Trump’s evil cabal had the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch under surveillance. Democratic…


CrabDiving – Tue 011520 – Trump Lacks 51 Senate Votes to Dismiss Impeachment & Lev Parnas Really Wants To Sing

Trump Lacks 51 Senate Votes to Dismiss Impeachment

Trump lacks 51 Senate vote to dismiss impeachment. Pelosi said the House will vote Wednesday to send the Articles of Impeachment to the senate. The Senate may pass a bill from the house meant to curtail Trump’s military actions in…
