CrabDiving – Wed 070319 – Study Shows Russian Propaganda May Have Helped Trump & More Census Drama

Putin's Piglet Trump Doesn't Want Debates Rules Changed

Trump dug in on Twitter prompting confusion about the SCOTUS decision regarding the citizenship question on the Census. A sexist, victim-blaming judge in Jersey handed down a ridiculously lenient decision in a rape case. A study shows Russian propaganda may…


CrabDiving – Tue 070219 – Trump Administration Census Question Fail & Conservative Loons Boycott Nike Again

Trump Administration Census Question Fail

The Trump administration census question fail happened, as the government announced it will be printing the forms without a citizenship question. The Republican Czar of Arizona nixed tax breaks for Nike’s new plant in his state because the shoe company…


CrabDiving – Mon 070119 – Ivanka Trump Ignored At The G20 & Donald Wants July 4th Tanks

Ivanka Trump Ignored At The G20

Ivanka Trump got ignored at the G20 and the memes that ensued were brutal. A particularly painful video showed the first daughter sadly attempting to speak with grown-up G20 diplomats. Shitler demanded tanks for his totalitarian military-style parade. We learned…


CrabDiving – Fri 062819 – Trump and Putin Joked About Election Meddling & Harris Dunked on Biden

Trump and Putin Joked About Election Meddling

Trump and Putin joked about election meddling at the G20 in Japan. The United States Women’s Soccer Team won the quarterfinals for the World Cup, defeating France. A dangerous heat wave is torturing Europe. The Crabs analyzed night two of…


CrabDiving – Thu 062719 – SCOTUS Upheld Partisan Gerrymandering & The Crabs Break Down The First Debate

SCOTUS Upheld Partisan Gerrymandering

SCOTUS upheld partisan gerrymandering. Trump howled about putting off the 2020 Census due to the Supremes’ decision to not allow the racist citizenship question, yet. As Shitler would say, Beto was boring, Elizabeth Warren clearly won the first Democratic Presidential…
