CrabDiving – Wed 052919 – Mueller Finally Speaks & Satanic Temple Takes On GOP Forced Birth Laws

Mueller finally speaks

Mueller finally speaks but only hints at the “i-word.” Special Counsel Mueller made a point to say the report doesn’t say what Shitler and Billy Barr are reporting. The number of House and Senate Dems supporting the impeachment of Cheeto…


CrabDiving – Tue 052819 – SCOTUS Punts Again On Abortion Rights & Recession Watch

texas taliban abortion bill

SCOTUS punts again on abortion rights. The Supremes said they wouldn’t overturn a school’s transgender-friendly restroom policy. Another single GOP load blocked a disaster aid bill. Christopher Steele won’t talk to the U.S. prosecutor regarding the investigation into the Mueller…


CrabDiving – Fri 052419 – Lawsuits Launched Against Alabama’s GOP Forced Birth Law & Should Buttigieg Renounce Rimming?

lawsuits launched against Alabama GOP's forced birth law

The Crabs covered the predicted lawsuits launched against Alabama’s GOP forced birth law. The Trump administration worked a ridiculous loophole to circumvent congressional approval for an arms sale to the Saudis. Rudy Giuliani tweetted a non-apology about the heavily-doctored Nancy…
