The North Korea Summit fail was so sad, but at least Trump didn’t give away “the store” to golden-crapper king Kim Jong Un. North Korea disputed Shitler’s account of the summit breakdown. GOP twunt Matt Gaetz may have committed witness…
Cohen testified as GOP Team Treason squealed little piggy squeals in the name of orange, rapey daddy. Republi-twunt Mark Meadows scored a mega-racism fail when he literally used HUD official Lynne Patton as a prop. Then Meadows showed much butthurt…
With a Sopranos-esque tweet to Michael Cohen, Matt Gaetz branches out from DUIS to witness tampering. The Crabs discussed Michael Cohen’s upcoming testimony to Congress regarding his dealings with Trump. In a disgusting, misguided attempt to be “fair and balanced,”…
Russia’s American nuclear targets were revealed on their state-run media. Intel officials say they areĀ nervous about Trump’s love connection with Kim Jong Un. That whacko, Alabama newspaperman who suggested the KKK “night ride” into DC to lynch politicians with…
Patriots owner Bob Kraft busted was for busting was the yuge headline on this Faithless Friday show! R Kelly was charged with ten counts of criminal sexual abuse. A climate science denier was appointed by Trump to head a climate…