CrabDiving – Wed 121218 – Cohen Sentenced To Three Years & The National Enquirer Is Cooperating

fbi raided michael cohen

Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years and tossed PEEOTUS under the bus during his “sorry speech.” Our rapist-in-Chief suggested a revolt would ensue if he were impeached. Man-baby, in fit of butthurt launched papers into the Oval…


CrabDiving – Fri 120718 – Individual 1 Is Screwed & Tillerson Said Trump Wanted To Break Laws A Lot

trump blames military

This “Mueller Friday” we learn that from Michael Cohen’s sentencing memo that Individual 1 is screwed bigly. And we already know who “Individual 1” is (hint: he is orange). Yet again, RWNJ White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is…


CrabDiving – Thu 120618 – Labor Secretary Acosta Must Resign & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Impresses Us

labor secretary acosta must resign

Trump’s Labor Secretary Acosta must resign or be fired because as a prosecutor, the corrupt, weaselly a-hole betrayed children that were victims of pedophile monster Jeff Epstein. Wisconsin GOP legislator Robert Cowles was the only Republican to do right by citizens, voting…


CrabDiving – Wed 120518 – Bush Funeral Disappoints QAnon Loons & Hillary Ignores TF Out Of Trump

qanon loons

At his daddy’s funeral, George W. Bush slipped Michelle Obama a sweet treat. Qanon morons stupidly believed Trump and Mueller would come together after Bush’s funeral and arrest the evildoers of the deep state. GOP douche-lords of the Wisconsin Senate approved…
