CrabDiving – Fri 011317 – John Lewis Trump Comments & Penthouse Golden Shower Proof?

The John Lewis Trump comments are discussed and reviewed on this Faithless Friday episode of CrabDiving. The Democrats got their ire on over a classified briefing on Russia’s involvement in last year’s presidential election. Toby Keith and some other no-names…


CrabDiving – Thu 011217 – Laughable Ben Carson & Trump Propaganda Minister Kellyanne Conway

imperious Ben Carson

The laughable Ben Carson and his sleepy confirmation testimony were featured on Thursday’s CrabDiving. A democratic senator from Maine found irony in the FBI director’s refusal to ‘confirm or deny’ an investigation. Obama changed our immigration policy with Cuba. Shitler’s Minister…


The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 011117 – Best College Football Off All Time & Grayson Allen Dicked In The Head?

Comedian Tommy Gimler, along with the rest of the dudes at The Daily Upper Decker, kick off the new year with some questions. Was the College Football Playoff National Championship the greatest college football game of all time? Should Texans…
