CrabDiving – Wed 072016 – GOP Convention Fearmongering Turnt Up & Hillary Death Penalty?

GOP Convention Fearmongering - Giuliani

The GOP convention fearmongering is turned up in Cleveland! A Trump speechwriter falls on her sword for the Melania speech plagiarism scandal. We figure out how the orange a-hole face settled for boring, brokedick Mike Pence as his VP. Trump’s VP will…


CrabDiving – Tue 071916 – Melania Trump Plagiarism & Steve King Justifies White Supremacy

melania trump plagiarism

The Melania Trump plagiarism snafu is yuge and the Crabs discuss the cheating at length. Roger Ailes is sent packing because to typical RWNJ perviness. The Republican National Convention had to shut down a chat room due to a dearth of antisemitic comments. Tamron…


CrabDiving – Mon 071816 – 2016 GOP Convention Stars & KKK Grand Poobah Endorses Trump

2016 GOP Convention stars

The 2016 GOP Convention stars might not include boxer and convicted rapist Mike Tyson but they do however feature an Italian ex-model, an aging evil ex-teen-heart-throb, and a lesser Duck dick. Stephen Colbert brilliantly crashes the R.N.C. The Never-Trump movement…


The CannaLinguists – E064 – Marijuana Dispensary Sitcom & Pence Crappy For Weed

kathy bates marijuana pilot - pic from The Morning After

On this episode of The Cannalinguists podcast on the CrabDiving Network, Los Angeles comedians and herbal experts Alex Mandelberg and April O’Connor explore the most recent and relevant headlines in weed and medical marijuana. Oscar winning actress Kathy Bates and…
