The CannaLinguists – E032 – Drones Be Dank & DARE To Take Toke!

On this episode of the CannaLinguists, April O’Connor and Alex Mandelberg cover the usual news regarding the good herb.  Plus they share the latest developments in the medical marijuana field.  April and Alex welcome Damian Kaner, Los Angeles-based comedian and…


CrabDiving – Tue 080415 – GOP Debate Top Ten & Facebook Fights

Rick Perry misses GOP Debate top ten

On Tuesday, Pat and Ryan review the GOP debate top ten loony finalists to be included in a presidential showdown hosted by Faux News.  They guys also cover some great stories.  It’s getting heated on the CrabDiving Facebook Page.  The Netherland Army goes bullet-less (“bang-bang”).…


The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 072915 – D.U.D Guys Score Higher On Wonderlic Test Than Jameis Winston?

DUD crew takes Wonderlic Test

Tommy Gimler, head honcho of The Daily Upper Decker sports blog and podcast administers the Wonderlic test to Barry, T Sean, and Daily Upper Decker newcomer Dutch McTavish.  And despite his one-percenter education at Syracuse, T Sean can’t even make…
