CrabDiving – Mon 062915 – KKK Rally & Limbaugh Shows Sulu No Love

KKK rally Imperial Wizard NC

Pat and Ryan kick off the working-for-the-man-week with tales of a planned, sad KKK rally.  Angela Merkel says TTFN to Greece.  There was a fender bender in the moron parade.  SCOTUS ain’t all good this week.  The evil GOP jerk-offs continue to demonize the poor.…


The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 062415 – Portly Pablo Sandoval Instagram Shenanigans & US Open Coverage Is Crap

T Sean, Andy, and Tommy discuss Dustin Johnson’s putting, which actually wasn’t anywhere near as shitty as Fox’s coverage of the US Open.  Pablo Sandoval is a fat waste of shit who’s phone use during a recent game was pathetic.…
