CrabDiving – Tue 033115 – Fracking Water Challenge, Scientology Attacks Going Clear, Arkansas Out-Bigots Indiana

farmer pours fracking water

On Tuesday, Pat and Ryan cover the following stories: walrus oxy-addict and conservative darling Rush Limbaugh can’t wrap his big, fat brain around gay marriage and human rights #shocker; topless woman bares giant boobies on Google Maps in protest of “flat-tittied”…


CrabDiving – Mon 033015 – Mike Pence Simpleton Bigot, Gohmert Too Nuts For Fox, ISIS Takes Tatooine

Mike Pence cries discrimination - crabdiving

On this episode of the Crabs, Pat and Ryan learn that Governor Mike Pence is still a simpleton bigot. They also cover these stories: The First Church Of Cannabis blooms cause Indiana’s ridic anti gay religious freedom deal; Michigan Republican wants…


The Hollywood Hick – Fri 032715 – Phil Robertson Spouts Off, Sarah Silverman’s Truth, What The Hell, Indiana?

On this episode, the Hick is like “What the hell, Indiana?” Also, country music radio is starting to piss off the Hick. Duck Dynasty Phil is spouting off again like a crazy person. Men can’t handle Sarah Silverman’s truth. The Hollywood Hick makes…


The Daily Upper Decker – E020 Wed 032515 – March Madness Recap, Wiz Khalifa A Joke, Steve Nash Commemorated

wiz k

The Daily Upper Decker recaps the Madness of March. Villanova and Virginia give their fans another dick sandwich. The refs blow again this year. The NFL Veteran Combine was a bigger joke than Wiz Khalifa. Osama Bin Laden would be a more…
