The Daily Upper Decker – E011 Wed 012115 – The Toothless Tiger, Greg Anthony Hooker Fun, The Dirty Shrimp

The D.U.D. guys talk about Russell Wilson blaming God for his interceptions in the NFC championship game, Tiger Woods’ missing tooth, Greg Anthony’s trouble with hookers, and a special fact or fudge dedicated to Super Bowl food dishes. Podcast (daily-upper-decker): Play…


CrabDiving – Fri 012315 – Mickey Got Measles, White Genocide Ain’t Real, S.P.U.K. No Spew

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The Crabs pinch off the following stories: anti-vaccination numbskulls are bringing measles to Mickey; white supremacists are flinging freezer bags full of rocks, tootsie rolls, and hate newsletters at homes in an attempt to recruit fellow bigots; according to a…


The Hollywood Hick – Tue 012015 – Boobs & Brilliance Equals Dolly Parton, Billy Crystal, Bill Cosby, Bieber

On Tuesday, the Hick pays a tribute to his favorite person on the planet, Dolly Parton. He reveals Dolly’s formula for success (Boobs + Brilliance = Success). Also, the Hick nearly breaks the f*ck up with Billy Crystal, then breaks…
