The Economist has an article about the use of guns by UK police as opposed to cop involved shootings here in America, and what causes the insane differences in police shooting numbers. One statistic in particular blew my mind: in…
CrabNation covers the following on Monday’s episode: a guest puke pundit on Fox News believes Michael Brown was in fact armed because, ya know, he was born black; RWNJ internet radio loony believes a little hamlet in California is infected…
CrabNation welcomes Friday with the following: Uncle Nipples AKA Vladimir Putin exports lead to Ukraine; a Fox News reporter thinks Muslims need a bullet to the head #nice; California bans the Stars And Bars from appearing on anything sold by…
Here in the United States the government now promotes religion over non-belief. The lovely town of Greece, New York has officially declared itself a theocracy. The town that sued to be able to force religious invocations at public meetings upon…
On Thursday’s CrabNation, Pat and Ryan interview British actor Jason Wong from the recently released movie Jarhead 2 and we learn about the acting biz in England, wrestling under the influence of tequila and babes in Bulgaria. We also cover…