I’m usually not a big fan of taxidermy, but when it’s funny I can be humor-flexible. Some dude who is into animal stuffing obviously also has a sense of humor. When I die, I want to be stuffed riding a…
CrabDiving Approves of this DIY Advent Calendar
This DIY Advent calendar is a great way to celebrate a religious holiday season. It’s totally customizable. You can pop a bottle of Cristal every day, or, if you have a CrabDiving-like budget, fill those slots with cans of Busch…
Vote “Funny” For Gerbil News On Funny Or Die
Don’t let these little rodents die. Give the furry jerk-offs a funny click or G.F.Y.!
Gerbil News Episode 3
Ripped from the rages and rants of the CrabDiving Podcast, another episode of Gerbil News has been shat forth. This time our two rodent heroes discuss the plight of a Californian’s struggle against religious oppression. Click on the sexy pouch…
Karl Rove Denies Reality
The best part of the election night coverage was, for me, when the conserva-drones over at Fox “News” had to literally drag Karl Rove back into the land of real things. So that’s what a guy looks like whose organization…