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Kate Upton Named “Sexiest Wife/ Girlfriend of Current NFL Quarterbacks”
Yahoo Sports just anointed Kate Upton as the sexiest piece of pro-football arm candy. Holy shit! I had no idea this would break today. I was reading up on Kony and just happened upon this story. I’m really happy for…
If Hank Moody ain’t your hero— have your head examined! I wanna get resurrected into the Californication universe as Moody’s cock. I just found this on Ranker. It’s a concise lil’ breakdown of the chicks on Californicaton. Including Madeline Zima…
Stand-up Comedy Set Lists
I usually scribble my set lists out right b4 I go up. The first list is from this past Sunday at the Silverlake Lounge. Someone thought it would be cute to add “merkin” to my napkin. Standards & Practices crossed…
Ryan’s Birthday Bar Fight and the Titty-Twister Resuscitation Technique – CrabDiving Show 007
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