Tag: Christian Taliban

CrabDiving – Wed 083017 – Empathy-Free Trump & Christo Twunts Hurricane Theories

trump lacks empathy

The empathy-free Trump showed up bigly to ineffectively comfort victims of Hurricane Harvey. Unlike the mega-church of evil Christo-twink Joel Osteen, mosques all over Texas opened their doors to storm victims. Shitler twatted forth insensitive and ill-timed tweets while attempting…


CrabDiving – Fri 072117 – Sean Spicer Resigns & Scaramucci All But Blows His New Boss

sean spicer resigns

Sean Spicer resigns and the Crabs cover the whole shebang on Faithless Friday. Johnny-come-lately Trump sycophant Anthony Scaramucci was tapped as Spicey’s replacement. The legal eagles that serve Shitler explored ways in which Czar Cheeto Teats could pardon himself. Progressive…


CrabDiving – Wed 062817 – 10 Commandments Monument Destroyed & Tebow Rewarded For Sucking

10 commandments monument destroyed

There was a 10 Commandments monument destroyed in Arkansas & the Crabs thoroughly reported upon the Christian butthurt-i-tude. Time Magazine requested the removal of the faux covers featuring the mug of PEEOTUS. Retiring GOP legislator Jason Chaffetz announced his whoring…
