Tag: Christian Taliban

CrabDiving – Mon 121823 – Clarence Thomas Whined About His SCOTUS Salary

Clarence Thomas whined about his SCOTUS salary. Roseanne caterwauled incoherent rhetoric about a Nazi-fascist-Muslim-caliphate conspiracy theory which was too loony for the brownshirts of Turning Point to swallow. SImpleton MAGAT Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends blathered a lame excuse…


CrabDiving – Mon 041023 – Trumpy Judge Used A Bogus Study To Justify Banning Abortion Drug

Trumpy judge used a bogus study to justify banning an abortion drug. The personal vacation financier of SCOTUS Clarence Thomas, Mega-donor Harlan Crow, has a massive Hitler memorabilia collection. Conservative wanker Ben Shapiro defended Harlan’s Nazi collection and other dictator…
