Tag: Christian Taliban

CrabDiving – Mon 121823 – Clarence Thomas Whined About His SCOTUS Salary

Clarence Thomas whined about his SCOTUS salary. Roseanne caterwauled incoherent rhetoric about a Nazi-fascist-Muslim-caliphate conspiracy theory which was too loony for the brownshirts of Turning Point to swallow. SImpleton MAGAT Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends blathered a lame excuse…


CrabDiving – Mon 041023 – Trumpy Judge Used A Bogus Study To Justify Banning Abortion Drug

Trumpy judge used a bogus study to justify banning an abortion drug. The personal vacation financier of SCOTUS Clarence Thomas, Mega-donor Harlan Crow, has a massive Hitler memorabilia collection. Conservative wanker Ben Shapiro defended Harlan’s Nazi collection and other dictator…


CrabDiving – Mon 020623 – Grammy Devil Costume Performance Sent Conservatives Into Fits

The Grammy devil costume performance sent conservatives into fits. Insurrectionist Ali Alexander declared blasphemy and Satan worship should be jailable offenses. Conservative wank-troll Matt Walsh blathered stupid crap about Satan and the Grammys as well. Bridge and beach closer Chris…
