Tag: funny news

The Hollywood Hick – Fri 032715 – Phil Robertson Spouts Off, Sarah Silverman’s Truth, What The Hell, Indiana?

On this episode, the Hick is like “What the hell, Indiana?” Also, country music radio is starting to piss off the Hick. Duck Dynasty Phil is spouting off again like a crazy person. Men can’t handle Sarah Silverman’s truth. The Hollywood Hick makes…


The Hollywood Hick – Fri 032015 – Jinx Cray Cray, Boy Band Blind Gossip, Micheal Phelps Is More Than A Swimmer

michael phelps dominatrix peed

Fuck Disneyland! That Jinx program on HBO is straight up cra-cra. John stamos can do no wrong. Blind boy-band gossip that is some good shit. Finally, swimming might not be the only sport Michael phelps is into. Series Trailer Podcast (hollywood-hick): Play in…
