Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Wed 031115 – Oklahoma Quits Marriage, Jerk Jindal Wants A Biden Sorry, Bible in Texas Schools

Texas high school prayer - CrabDiving

On Wednesday, the Crabs pinch off the following tales of RWNJ buffoon-ary: good riddance police to chief Thomas Jackson of Ferguson; Okla-coma is so scared of gay marriage, the knuckle-draggers in the state house decided to get rid of weddin’ licenses altogether; nobody…


CrabDiving – Wed 022515 – Pat Robertson Ain’t A Mars Fan, Texas Secessionists Busted By Fuzz

Republic of Texas secessionists

This Wednesday, the Crabs cover the following stories: Pat Robertson isn’t much for Mars cuz it ain’t in the Bible; RWNJs want Christianity dubbed our “national religion”; Texas secessionists are pissed cuz the po-po raided their revolution party; the socialist candidate…
