Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Fri 080219 – Majority of House Democrats Now Support Impeachment & Trump’s Ridiculous DNI Nominee Bails

Majority of House Democrats Now Support Impeachment

The majority of House Democrats now support the impeachment of this treasonous rapist wacko, finally! Unearthed recordings of Reagan and Nixon proved the old, dead leaders to be racist tyrants. Job numbers painted a crap picture of our economy. Oligarch…


CrabDiving – Tue 073019 – Moscow Mitch Hates Being Called That & Polls Show America Knows Trump Is Racist

Moscow Mitch hates being called that

Moscow Mitch hates being called that. The ACLU said the Trump Administration has separated over 900 kids from families despite a court order telling them to do otherwise. The Crabs previewed the next Democratic Presidential debate. Biden holds the biggest…


CrabDiving – Mon 072919 – Trump Called Elijah Cummings Racist & MAGA Bomber Claims FOX Radicalized Him

trump called elijah cummings racist

Trump called Elijah Cummings racist. The shooter at the Gilroy Garlic Festival used a semiautomatic rifle. Shitler reminded us he was not a 911 first responder. The House Democrats march to impeachment to super sluggish. Democratic Rep Josh Gottheimer earned…


CrabDiving – Wed 072419 – Dissecting The Mueller Testimony & GOP Team Treason Desperate To Protect Trump

Dissecting The Mueller Testimony

Dissecting the Mueller Testimony took up most of Wednesday’s episode of the cussing progressive podcast. Mueller dismissed claims of exoneration by treasonous Trump. The Special Counsel teabagged Louie Gohmert during congressional testimony, figuratively. Robert Mueller reminded Congress that Shitler can…
