Tag: racism

CrabDiving – Thu 061820 – Roberts Rebuked Kavanaugh In The SCOTUS Ruling On DACA & FOX Lawyer Says Tucker Carlson Isn’t News

kavanaugh vote delayed

Chief Justice Roberts rebuked Kavanaugh in the SCOTUS ruling on DACA. The Book Of Face removed a Trump political ad featuring a Nazi symbol. Bolton’s big book got a reaction out of Twitler. Repulsive Republican Matt Gaetz shocked Twitter by…


CrabDiving – Tue 061620 – Coronavirus Surges In The South & Pence Asked Governors To Lie About The Pandemic

Coronavirus Surges In The South

Coronavirus surges in the south and despite this uptick in bad numbers, the idiotic reopening continues. A cheap steroid could prove an effective treatment for corona patients, depending on the severity of their infection. China tightened travel restrictions because of…


CrabDiving – Tue 060920 – GOP Voter Suppression In Georgia & Trump Spreads OANN Conspiracy

GOP Voter Suppression In Georgia

GOP voter suppression in Georgia is on point because that’s the only shot the racist, lying, thieving Trump-sucking human impersonating Republicans have of winning. OANN has a Putin-paid journalist on the payroll. The wee-handed Rapist-in-Chief tweeted an ANTIFA conspiracy theory…


CrabDiving – Tue 051920 – Pelosi Is Worried About Trump’s “Morbid Obesity” & Florida GOP Fudging COVID-19 Numbers

Pelosi hopes Trump gets an intervention

Nancy Pelosi is worried about Trump’s “morbid obesity.” Shitler said people who passed away while taking hydroxychloroquine were going to die anyway. The fascist load in the White House also said Mike Pompeo’s staff should absolutely make themselves able to…


CrabDiving – Wed 012920 – Trump Is Trying To Block Bolton’s Book & Schiff Dunks On Lindsey and Ted

Trump Is Trying To Block Bolton's Book

Trump is trying to block Bolton’s book, falsely claiming the draft contains classified material. Shitler’s band of diddling lawyers expect a cliffhanger vote regarding witnesses. GOP load Senator Cory Gardner confirmed he would vote “no” on hearing from witnesses in…


CrabDiving – Tue 012120 – Trump’s Senate Trial Begins & The Constitution Is “A Different Language”

Trump's Senate Trial Begins

Trump’s Senate trial begins and the Crabs are there to cover every GOP Team Putin vote to suppress evidence. Midnight Mitch set unfortunate ground rules for impeachment which meant twelve-hour days of opening statements and didn’t including subpoenaing docs. Elizabeth…
