Tag: RWNJs

CrabDiving – Mon 120814 – Buchanan Anti Cop Body Cams, Christian Crimes Against Humanity, Jindal Way Into God

On this episode, Pat and Ryan cover these headlines: Pat Buchanan doesn’t want anyone to slander the police that continue to murder unarmed black people; Fox loony thinks minorities need to be more sensitive to our over-militarized cops; American pastor…


CrabDiving – Fri 120514 – Cosby Rape Round-Up, Inhofe Vs. Babs, Kirk Cameron Tomatoes Be Rotten

On this TGIF episode, the Crabs pinch off the following headlines: Kirk Cameron’s tomatoes are rotten as ever; Rolling Stones retraction; Cosby rape round-up; Senator Inhofe believes Barbara Streisand and similar Hollywood types are behind the “climate change hoax”; John…
