CrabDiving – Fri 031116 – Trump Rally Violence & TN School LGBT/Straight (Anti-)Alliance

Trump rally violence is popping off all over the place and it ain’t a shocker to the Crabs on this Faithless Friday episode. The opponents of the Donald are not denouncing the violent Trump-a-los cuz they are total twunt pussies. Trump Steaks is no more no matter what lies are shat forth from the pie-hole of the Republican front-runner. Lunatic white Muricans get their racism on as they clash with Trump protesters. A Tennessee LGBT/Straight alliance after school club – and ALL clubs – may get shut down because of ignorance and homophobia. A corrupt Florida mayor is getting the ax after a bad-ass satanist throws back the curtain and sheds light on numerous shenanigans. Pat and Ryan also review the top five songs in this great country per Billboard and everyone blows tremendous chunks.
trump rally violence

Enjoy all the great content on on our progressive radio network, CrabDiving!


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