CrabDiving – Tue 060419 – Trump Called British Protests Fake News & GOP May Break With The Don Over Tariffs

Trump Called British Protests Fake News

Trump called British protests fake news and it clearly wasn’t. Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s trade plan is for realz. Former VP Joe Biden unveiled his climate change plan in the event he’s elected in 2020. Boris Johnson, a.k.a., “BoJo,” snubbed…


CrabDiving – Fri 053119 – Trump Announced Insane Mexico Tariffs & Prosperity Preacher Kenneth Copeland Got Grilled

Trump Announced Insane Mexico Tariffs

Trump announced insane Mexico tariffs to appease the RWNJ racists in Murica. Nazi twunt Laura Ingraham defended former Republican House candidate and current nazi Paul Nehlen, moaning that prominent white supremacists are being censored on social media. And of course,…


CrabDiving – Thu 053119 – More Democrats Demand Impeachment & USS John McCain Name Hidden To Appease Trump

more democrats demand impeachment

More Democrats demand impeachment and are pressuring the Speaker to start proceedings. The billionaire Czar of Twitter can’t figure how to get white nationalists off his platform. Trump deleted a tweet where he admitted Russia helped him get elected. With…
