CrabDiving – Wed 051519 – Alabama Republicans Banned All Abortions & The GOP Is Lying Us Into War Again

Alabama Republicans Banned All Abortions

In Trump’s America, the Alabama Republicans banned all abortions, and of course the legislators that voted to ban abortion were all white, and male. Unsurprisingly, the Czar Governor of Bama, Kay Ivey, signed the anti-choice bill into law. Christo-twunt Pat…


CrabDiving – Mon 051319 – Trump’s Tariffs Torpedo The Stock Market & States Suing Big Pharma Greedsters

Trump's tariffs

Trump’s tariffs torpedo the stock market and 1.2 trillion dollars were flushed down the crapper. Heartless d-bag Donald is going after social safety nets like social security and Medicare. President Jimmy Carter broke his hip and is recovering in a…


CrabDiving – Fri 051019 – Republican State Legislators Seek The Handmaid’s Tale & Trump’s Adds Tariffs On China

want handmaids tale vote gop - crabdiving

The Republican state legislators seek The Handmaid’s Tale as evidenced by the gaggle of anti-choice bills plopping forth from the right’s sphincters. Fascist, fake president Trump said he’s not in a rush to reach a trade deal with China. Conserva-loon…
