CrabDiving – Wed 010417 – GOP Obamacare Dilemma & Alex Jones Proclaims Obama “Half-Black”

GOP Obamacare dilemma

The GOP Obamacare dilemma was discussed on Wednesday’s episode of CrabDiving. The great state of Kentucky filed a ridic 20 week abortion ban. Loon creationist and creator of the Ark Encounter Ken Ham rightly stated that more young people are…


CrabDiving – Tue 010317 – House Ethics Oxymoron & Secretary Of Agriculture Prayed A Drought Away

house ethics oxymoron

The House ethics oxymoron lunacy didn’t shock the Crabs in the least on Tuesday’s podcast. Megyn Kelly decided to leave Faux News and take her bleeding whatevers to NBC. Sales greatly increase for Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Hillary, along with Bill…
