The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 021716 – Peyton Manning Teabag & Dabbin With Cam

On this installment of the Daily Upper Decker on the CrabDiving Network, Tommy Gimler and his cast of hilarious analysts cover the alleged Peyton Manning teabag incident with a woman at the University of Tennessee twenty years ago, and we’re supposed to…


CrabDiving – Fri 021916 – Mississippi State Book Bill & Cruz Duck Dick Support

Mississippi state book bill

Another great Faithless Friday CrabDiving show! The Mississippi State Book bill is total Christo-Taliban bull-crap. Pat and Ryan listen to Alex Jones’ emergency message regarding Obama murdering Scalia. Many of the voters in the GOP South Carolina Primary are batshit…


The Hollywood Hick – Tue 011916 – Celebrity Butthurt & Aunt Viv Smackdown

amy schumer celebrity butthurt

Yo, mothertruckers, laugh along as the Hick talks about celebrity butthurt and lots more gossip and news from Hollywood, California. Amy Schumer gets all sanctimonious and blasts some teen critic for a bad joke. After Jada Pinkett Smith’s Oscars protest video,…
