CrabDiving – Fri 112015 – Conservative Cowards & Phuc Dat Bich

conservative cowards vote against syrian refugees

Catch Friday’s Crabs!  Conservative cowards get a thorough smack-down as the dudes welcome comic Chris Oliver (@ChrisWoodOliver) into their Koreatown studios.  The house Democrats vote against the Syrian refugees, prolly for political reasons, which is gross.  If you want a…


CrabDiving – Wed 111815 – Racist Ben Stein & Paralympians Denied Scrotum Squeeze

Racist Ben Stein

On Wednesday, Pat and Ryan cover the quite racist Ben Stein comments about Obama. Gunfire is exchanged during the manhunt for the a-holes responsible for the Paris attacks. A talking head on Faux News wears an American-flag-style hijab. Jeb Bush doesn’t…
