Hey everyone, if you haven’t listened to our podcast yet, here’s a sample that’s on Youtube. Click the picture to check it out on Youtube:
Hilarious Legitimate Rape Ad from Funny or Die
A Golden Crabby goes to whoever came up with this spot. Funny as fuck.
Dark Knight Rises: The Musical Casting
We all know it’s just a matter of minutes before some asshole decides the world needs a musical based on Batman. You have to cast experienced theater actors so here’s one of our ideas. Leave your ideas in the comments!
I’m On the Cat Show Podcast!
I chat with Dean Richards & Jacob Bunney about shrooms, mortality etc… Give it a play while you’re stair-mastering. Click on the fire breathing cat below to listen!
Gangnam Style Music Video Wins a Gold Crabbie
Korean rapper Psy’s Gangnam Style music video has rightfully taken over the internet and spawned a crapload of reaction videos. CrabDiving awards an official Golden Crabbie to this work of art as Music Video of the Year. Check…