CrabNation Monday brings you these headlines: godless millennial types will end RWNJ Murica; Pat Robertson is losing fans in Kenya cuz he suggested their towels have AIDS; non-believer scores 2 mill in a lawsuit and doesn’t have to give it…
On Thursday, Pat and Ryan feature some RWNJs that were elected to Congress by people that should not be trusted with the sharp straw stuck to the back of their Capri Suns; Steve King’s vision of heaven most likely has…
Wednesday’s CrabNation delivers these stories: Renee Zellweger tells the universe to get used to her new face; RWNJ, Anthony Culler compares gays to gremlins #I’mwithstupid; Jim Bakker, the dude from the 90’s that schtupped Jessica Hahn and duped folks out of…
The Crabs, along with Comedian Quincy Johnson II, cover the following on Tuesday: a citizen pulls over the fuzz and lets him go with a warning; RWNJ Louie Gohmert explains how Ebola could keep illegals from invading our borders #brightside;…
The Crabs are joined in-studio by comedian Rick Wood and cover the following stories: the Earth is hot hot hot; an RWNJ African American Cowboy dude running for public office in Nevada has gained the support of Cliven Bundy; a…
The Voice of the Crabs joins Pat and Ryan in-studio and discusses the following tales of woe: Rick Scott might not be particular about the color of his M&Ms but damn…don’t bring a personal fan onstage; Pat Robertson warns his…