Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Tue 072319 – Unhinged Trump Speech For Conservative Kids & “Britain Trump” Boris Johnson Wins UK PM

Unhinged Trump Speech For Conservative Kids

The unhinged Trump speech for conservative kids was a pure puke producer. Doing their part to skull-“F” the Earth, the UK elected their own Shitler, Boris Johnson. Loser-Nazi Ivanka tweeted a typo in an attempt to congratulate fellow fascist Boris…


CrabDiving – Mon 072219 – Conservative Media Admits There Is Zero New Wall & Puerto Rico’s Governor Sucks

Conservative media admits there is zero new wall and surely this will make the Deplorables extra angry-pants. Evil Donald Trump decided to fast-track deportation authority. Chairman Cummings ripped the acting DHS Secretary a new hole over the administration’s treatment of…


CrabDiving – Thu 071819 – Vile Racist Trump Crowd Chanted “Send Her Back” & House Voted To Raise Minimum Wage

Vile Racist Trump Crowd Chanted "Send Her Back"

At the latest hate rally, a vile racist Trump crowd chanted “send her back!” Load Limbaugh explained the “send her back” calls were understandable because Shitler snowflakes are feeling attacked. The ninnies of FOX are bending over backwards to defend…
