Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Thu 060619 – Washington Supreme Court Decided Against A Homophobic Florist & Maybe Kellyanne Secretly Hates Trump

The Washington Supreme Court decided against a homophobic florist. World leaders honored the 75th anniversary of D-Day, and Trump – amazingly – didn’t totally embarrass the country. The Dems officially introduced a contempt resolution for Shitler henchmen AG Bill Barr…


CrabDiving – Tue 060419 – Trump Called British Protests Fake News & GOP May Break With The Don Over Tariffs

Trump Called British Protests Fake News

Trump called British protests fake news and it clearly wasn’t. Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s trade plan is for realz. Former VP Joe Biden unveiled his climate change plan in the event he’s elected in 2020. Boris Johnson, a.k.a., “BoJo,” snubbed…


CrabDiving – Wed 050819 – Billion Dollar Loser Trump & House Committee Votes Barr In Contempt

billion dollar loser Trump

The billion dollar loser Trump received a crapload of criticism for horrendous real estate dealings discovered in Cheeto’s recently-revealed tax docs from the 80s and 90s. The treasonous White House cried executive privilege rather than submit Mueller Report materials to…


CrabDiving – Wed 050119 – Lying Bill Barr Must Resign & Biden Fear Drives Trump To Over 50 Crazy Tweets

lying Bill Barr must resign

Lying Bill Barr must resign is the call heard from adults after Billy’s bullcrap testimony to the senate regarding his fictional non-summary summary of the Mueller Report. During the hearing, Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse told Attorney General Barr he couldn’t…
