Tag: Trump

CrabDiving – Fri 053119 – Trump Announced Insane Mexico Tariffs & Prosperity Preacher Kenneth Copeland Got Grilled

Trump Announced Insane Mexico Tariffs

Trump announced insane Mexico tariffs to appease the RWNJ racists in Murica. Nazi twunt Laura Ingraham defended former Republican House candidate and current nazi Paul Nehlen, moaning that prominent white supremacists are being censored on social media. And of course,…


CrabDiving – Fri 051019 – Republican State Legislators Seek The Handmaid’s Tale & Trump’s Adds Tariffs On China

want handmaids tale vote gop - crabdiving

The Republican state legislators seek The Handmaid’s Tale as evidenced by the gaggle of anti-choice bills plopping forth from the right’s sphincters. Fascist, fake president Trump said he’s not in a rush to reach a trade deal with China. Conserva-loon…
