CrabDiving – Wed 031820 – Perpetual Obstructionist Rand Paul & QAnon Crazies Claim Oprah Got Busted

perpetual obstructionist Rand Paul

Perpetual obstructionist Rand Paul held up a Senate vote on a coronavirus rescue package. Trump invoked an act to marshal the private sector against the virus he only recently started to give an amoeba fart about. Former presidential candidate Senator…


CrabDiving – Tue 031720 – Evil Pastors Refuse To Stop Services & Coronavirus Marches On

Evil Pastors Refuse To Stop Services

Evil pastors refuse to stop services, saying their god will protect those who show up and drop money in their baskets. Cash assistance from the government gained support as the coronavirus screws the economy. Senator Sherrod Brown ripped Moscow Mitch…


CrabDiving – Mon 031620 – Trump Country Is Not Taking Coronavirus Seriously & Romney Channeling Yang

Trump Country Is Not Taking Coronavirus Seriously

Trump country is not taking coronavirus seriously. Bag of yak spew Kid Rock refuses to close his Nashville restaurant as officials scramble to slow down the coronavirus. Shitler told governors to find their own stinkin’ respirators. The Kushner family is…


CrabDiving – Fri 031320 – National Emergency, Trump’s “Two Very Big Words” & Zealots Want To End Same-Sex Marriage

Trump's Two Very Big Words National Emergency

Trump declared a national emergency – “two very big words” –  due to the coronavirus. RWNJ Jerry Falwell Jr. was slammed by the media for suggesting North Korea created coronavirus. Shitler and his religious right allies continue to send mixed…


CrabDiving – Thu 031220 – Trump’s Xenophobic Coronavirus Address & Rep. Katie Porter Is Awesome

Biden Just About Sewed Up The Nomination

Trump’s xenophobic coronavirus address, written by human LARPer Stephen Miller and trust fund parasite Jared Kushner, reassured nobody. So far this week, Trump’s CDC has tested a whopping 77 people, as health experts say we need widespread testing to “flatten”…
