CrabDiving – Mon 013017 – Trump Muslim Ban & Shitler Holocaust Remembrance Day Minus The Jews

trump muslim ban

The Trump Muslim ban was sprung upon the country over the weekend and the Crabs discussed the racist xenophobic, insanity of the executive order. Shitler’s stupid travel restrictions based on religion brought immediate court challenges. President Obama spoke out against…


CrabDiving – Fri 012717 – Pence Anti-Choice Rally & Texas Governor Received Tampons In The Mail

Pence Anti-Choice Rally

The Pence anti-choice rally sent douche-chills down the spines of both hosts of the CrabDiving Podcast on Faithless Friday. Speaking of the anti-choice, march, VPOTUS reminded the anti-abortion protesters that “life is winning.” It was learned the GOP is stressed about…


CrabDiving – Thu 012617 – Trump Voter Fraud Tantrum & The State Department Quits

trump voter fraud tantrum

The Trump voter fraud tantrum from Shitler’s ABC News interview was reviewed on Thursday’s CrabDiving. The orange-a-hole-face had a diplomatic fail with Mexico in regards to “the wall.” The Donald took a moment during his interview with David Muir to…
