CrabDiving – Fri 012717 – Pence Anti-Choice Rally & Texas Governor Received Tampons In The Mail

The Pence anti-choice rally sent douche-chills down the spines of both hosts of the CrabDiving Podcast on Faithless Friday. Speaking of the anti-choice, march, VPOTUS reminded the anti-abortion protesters that “life is winning.” It was learned the GOP is stressed about repealing Obamacare. Sadly, the supposed Twitter leak from the White House was silenced. An ex-Duggar cultist explained how Mike Pence was more frightening than Shitler. The Satanic Temple came closer to erecting a Baphomet monument at the Arkansas capital. Christ-a-ban broadcasting kook Gordon Klingenschmitt said he wanted another crack at politics. A tornado wreaked havoc upon a town but a granite statue of Jesus was spared and folks oddly thanked sky-god. A father and son revealed they’re going to use Biblical evidence as a defense against the rape charges. A bus driver refused to be fingerprinted citing very loony religious reasons. Tampons and sanitary napkins were sent to the Texas Governor after the signing of an oppressive fetal burial order.

Pence Anti-Choice Rally


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