On Tuesday, the Crabs salute the late, great Robin Williams and contend with the following lunacy from Murica; Sarah Palin comes off as incoherent and possibly drunk on her own silly channel #WTFJohnMcCain; the husband of a Democratic candidate in…
It is hard to believe the news that Robin Williams is gone. Such a profound bummer that this man who made this existence funnier was struggling with massive demons. Depression is truly an illness about which our world needs to be…
CrabNation kicks off the week with the following: a lunatic Neo-Confederate whack job thinks President Lincoln actually enslaved us all by ending slavery #YouBigDummy; Tennessee Supreme Court Justices survive an onslaught of evil Koch dollars; deep dippy thoughts from Coach…
CrabNation kicks off the weekend with these headlines: U.S. bombs Iraq #beentheredonethat; Texas deletes facts from textbooks to make them more friendly to sheeple that worship sky gods; a faux Democratic candidate wants the Bible back in school (like it…
I totally do. Check out “Toast Jesus.” Relax. I’m fucking with you Ted. I’m like a Phaton 7 Atheist. Where I come from, Jesus-Toast would’ve been baptized with Miracle Whip. Then smothered with a thick slab of ham that also probably looked like a…