Tag: RWNJs

CrabDiving – Mon 122214 – Everybody Has Bloody Hands, Clockwork Orange Ultra-Sound, Pat Robertson Explains Weed

On Monday, Pat and Ryan cover Mayor de Blasio’s press conference about the murder of two New York cops, plus the following stories: NYC Police Union Chief proclaims everyone “has blood on their hands“; Staten Island elected a felon; City Councilor reminds…


CrabDiving – Thu 121814 – Limbaugh Cries Benghazi on Sony Caving to Hackers, Obama Laughs at Bachmann

Rush Limbaugh oxycontin eating - crabdiving

This time the Crabs listen to Rush Limbaugh go full “Benghazi” on the Sony hack story. They also joke and rage about these topics:  President Obama rightfully laughs in Michele Bachmann’s face when she tells him to bomb Iran; the newly-ex-Rep. Bachmann…
